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Monday, November 3, 2008 ♥.
  • Sit down, close your eyes, and start a series of three inhalations and exhalations. Inhale Light through the top of your head and down into your body. Exhale all of the stress and worries you have, down through your feet and on down to the earth for about one minute.

  • Place your left hand, palm up, on your left thigh. Your right hand should touch the area one or two inches below your navel. (This is an energy vortex.)

  • Ask the Earth Angels to come to activate this vortex center for you. Stay in this area for about four minutes.

  • Move your right hand up one or two inches above the navel (another energy vortex) and ask the Earth Angels to activate that area for you. Keep your hand there for about five minutes.

  • Now place a hand, palm up, on each thigh and ask the Earth Angels to send a confirmation that you have been activated. Wait about two minutes to receive it.

  • --
    Blogged @ 9:28 PM

    Ok people! Endro's back with other new stuff!!

    This time, I would like to haunt you people with the idea of "STARSEEDS". So, first things first, what are starseeds?


    "Starseeds" describe evolved beings from another planet, star system or galaxy, whose specific missions are to assist Planet Earth and her peoples to bring in the Golden Age at the turn of the millennium.

    Starseeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose as do Earth humans. However, the genes of starseeds are encoded with a "wake-up call" designed to "activate" them at a pre-determined moment in life. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, allowing starseeds to consciously take up their missions. Their connections to the Higher Self are also strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.

    Many starseeds are practiced in rapid "spiritual weight loss". Starseeds can throw off in a few years the limiting behavior patterns and fears that Earth humans might take many lifetimes to accomplish. This is because starseeds, having been on similar missions to other planets, are quite familiar with the procedures and techniques for raising consciousness.

    One more thing, Starseeds can be Indigos, but they are different in a way that not all Indigos come from other planets. So, taking myself as an example, I should be a Starseed Indigo.

    Now here's a check-list to see if you are a starseed...

    1. They have an intense sense of loneliness.

    2. They feel like they don’t belong in their earth family.

    3. They have a fascination with the stars and feel as though their home is out there, but they can’t remember where.

    4. They begin to question the ways of earth at an early age. Many are the black sheep of their family.

    5. They are drawn to metaphysics seeking answers to why they feel so alone and why they don’t seem to fit in on earth.

    6. Many have an adversarial relationship with the parent of the opposite sex.

    7. The majority of starseeds have the facial shape of their mother but the remainder of their physical body is like that of their fathers, or the other way around depending on which parent is the real parent, the starseed parent from off planet. This is done for a reason.

    8. The majority of starseeds carry the Crystal Gene for DNA Recoding/Ascension. The crystal gene enables them to easily channel and access beings on other dimensions as well as recode their DNA.

    9. Lower than normal body temperature and inability to handle heat.

    Do you fit into the catergory? If yes, read the next post!

    Blogged @ 9:04 PM

    Sunday, August 10, 2008 ♥.
    There's a really great website that includes Indigos.

    The website is http://indigosociety.com

    There is a forum where I'm asking lame questions coz I'm not that knowledgeable abt indigos, seriously. The good thing is, the people there will not scold you for being lame, they can understand you pretty well.So, be a member!

    Blogged @ 9:03 PM

    Caught a very brief glimpse of a spirit yesterday, at the lift landing under my friend's house at about 9pm. An old Chinese man, black eyes, nearly bald, looking at the 4 of us (my frens and I) but when i looked at him he disappeared very quickly. It was little blur cuz I was swinging around to look at him, but I did manage to see the face, not the rest of the body though...

    I didn't feel like connecting with him anyway. Didn't creep out though, he's just the observing type I guess. But my reaction was seriously...unexpected on my side. I thought I'd scream when I see a ghost but I was kinda indifferent.

    He didn't feel like the type who needs help; afterall,he felt as though he was like "see then see, who cares" or rather "oops, she saw me". =.= Not one of those desperate spirits who're trying to communicate with the world.

    Besides, he didn't seem very friendly. His energy felt like one of those...er...typical Singaporean senior citizens who like to...o.O dunno. Argue a lot over trivial things? Nah not all senior citizens are like that. Just some.

    I guess I'll just let him be.

    Anyway I saw a terribly creepy cat yesterday too, at the top few levels of the carpark near my fren's house. It had a line of dried blood caking the space between it's left eye and the nose, and kept meowing with every step. The way it looked at us was...weird, too. It carried that kind of pleading, yet it's not just some animal pleading like "I'm hungry, feed me".

    It was more of...I dunno. More of craving for help from something dangerous. I just had a feeling as though it was pretty vulnerable against a certain dark entity, and trying to let us know about it. Followed us practically everywhere. It looked kinda possessed.

    Shhh...something happened during art lesson so Endro and I had a bit more free time to wander around. It rained somewhere inbetween, so we spent some time reading the "Indigo Children" book that she borrowed from the library. Interesting, just that it kept talking about education for Indigos. Haiz...

    Nothing much to say though. Just that Endro and I were practising psi manipulation downstairs. XD Felt lots of static. I think metal is a pretty good conductor of psi energy, since when Endro touches anything metal, I feel it on my side too. I mean static electricity. Like...mild shocks. o.O Weird, I know.

    I made another hypothesis today. Endro and I were discussing about how cameras may be capable of capturing images of things we can't see; spirits, energy traces, auras...So I recalled something I read yesterday in a chinese book about science.

    I can't remember the whole process, but the methods of photograph "washing" involved X-rays and atoms or something. So basically I'm thinking...if spirits were energy imprints, could they be consisted of a different type of energy and light ray, including the X-ray? If this is true, that may explain why they're captured on cameras.

    Now I think I'm gonna start searching up stuff on atoms and quantum physics. Quantum theories are basically the root of many sciences and parapsychology. Knowing more about atoms and molecules etc may help me in my "research" on parapsychological and spiritual things.

    Okay...lit PT...*sob* Haiz...stupid school stuff. And my parents took my laptop out to the living room cuz they're worried about me playing com or something. Now no more freedom -.- haiz. I don't expect them to even know that the internet is my only outlet of emotions now. T.T

    Well I can't blame them. It's not really their fault for not understanding anyway. =.=



    Blogged @ 6:10 PM


    This is the aura wheel where u can check wad colour is ur aura. But pls save the image so as to enlarge it and stare at it's white centre from 30cm away.then u'll be able to c colour(s) which is the colour of ur aura.the smaller picture on the left is the exact same copy and to check out wad colour of the aura means, u can go to one the few links I have on the post right below this one:)
    Indigos may see violet and blue as I see those colours. Kendra saw those 2 and white.white is a healing colour which meant that she can heal, which is quite true. To know who she is, please refer to the post right below this one. Thank you.

    Blogged @ 4:13 AM

    Hi,Endro speaking.
    Just to introduce myself a little, I'm currently living in Singapore although I'm a China Chinese.

    If u are curious to find out if u r an indigo, or u don't noe what an indigo is, u can find more out at these websites.

    1. http://indigolifecenter.wordpress.com/is-your-child-an-indigo/ although it's to see if your child is an indigo,it's more or less the same.just recall:)

    2.er,it's kinda wordy,so skip if u hate reading.

    3.well,there oso this thing called aura.it's like the colour of ur life,ur personality.different colours mean different things. http://www.phrizbie-design.com/aura-chart.html

    4.lastly,u can learn to see ur aura,hehe,I can c mine.But i have to stare really hard.Of course there are other ways of learning wad colour is ur aura,like taking online tests,etc. http://thiaoouba.com/aura_eye_exercise.htm

    Next,it's just me.oh,i have another blog just abt me. http://jadebluecy.blogspot.com/

    In Singapore, there aren't many indigos in my school, although a few of my frens,whom i believe are indigos,totally rejected the idea of indigos. Well,I'm pissed.Really pissed. Felt disgusted by the world that we humans created,money that we created and now that we say that 'money is the root of all evil'.wtf,seriously.

    So,I kinda wanted to make more indigo frens, and I have one called Erawind.her blog: http://www.windwanderers.blogspot.com/ She's pretty good, well, at least better than me at healing.Haha.

    I'm reallyyyyy awfully terrible in healing....like i once heard my neighbour quarrelling and tried to heal them. nothing happened-.- actually,they argued even louder after that-.- So, from here, I presume, that either I'm way too lousy as a lightworker,(u shld noe after checking out the websites) or there are 2 kinds of indigos. One is the healer,the lightworker.The other is the darkworker?(I hope u noe wad I mean) I'm most likely the darkworker, cos I kinda destroy more than heal.like how I 'accidentally' lowered my fren's frequency after blabbering some random stuff which I thought was random. And I got cursed for a while. The curse is kinda weird.and the connection with the internet is really bad now!!!Ahhh!!Not again.ok,the connection is back.sorry for the randomness, but indigos are kinda random.haha.

    Back to the curse. I should have a brother who's around 7 by now, but mom miscarried, so (the internet connection was lost again) brother never got a chance to be by my side. But I saw him, in the 6th dimension.6th dimension is like a dimension of darkness, and there's a 5th dimension which is the dimension of light.

    Erawind love the 5th, while I have some connection to the 6th, as I said i'm more of a 'darkworker'. Before I saw my bro in the 6th, it was the first time Erawind ever introduced to me INDIGOS. then I tried to go to the 5th immediately at night, but instead I ended up in the 6th.How do I noe if that's the 6th? Coz, I only went after I fell asleep and Erawind confirmed it as she went there too.

    I saw this guy with elf-like ears,dunno wad that mean, and he was wearing black, baggy clothes.I later named him the MIB,man in black, cos i neva really knew his name. the 6th seemed like a place that's underground, and there murky water until knee level.I didn't fell that my feet was wet though, but the guy seemed to be running in the water, chasing another elf-like guy.They're taller than me though, like 1.70m? MIB seemed to be preventing the other elf-guy from entering a certain place, but the guy is running closer to that place. As the MIB got worried, he suddenly disappeared in the shadows, and appeared right behind the elf-guy.The poor elf-guy did not notice him on time, and MIB destroyed part of this thinking by just touching the elf-guy in the back. The elf-guy screamed in pain and tried very hard to find MIB, but in vain.All of a sudden, I noticed what is the place that the MIB was protecting. I turned and saw a young human boy on a bed.But at the same time I saw him, he woke up as if he felt my presence and I was pulled back to reality. Later, I found out that the boy was my brother.So why was MIB protecting him?Out of kindness?But I somehow felt close to MIB, like I know him and that he's definitely not someone who will let anyone down.

    I told that to Erawind, and she said she had a guy in her dreams who protects her. She said that she had at least 5 dreams which had him in it.And each time, she felt like she knew the guy but had never seen him nor knew his name.But she felt that his name starts with an E, and I felt that MIB's name would start with an E too. Is this too weird? I'm not sure, but I wanna sleep now. Thank you for bearing with me even if you do not believe wad I said, or you are interested. I will updated soon I hope. But I cannot access the other dimensions, as it's the ghost festivals now and something to be blocking both me and Erawind out.So tiring, I really wanna go back to the 6th.


    Blogged @ 4:02 AM

    Admins: Erawind, Endro

    Indigo Elementors
    Brewing the Indigo Light
    Admins: Erawind, Endro
    Dedicated to: Indigo Friends

    We would like to reach out to fellow indigos in distress, just like us. We know how you guys feel. Cheer up, there're many of our kind out there!

    Type: Artist Indigos

    Welcome l Indigo l Friends

    Indigo Traces

    The Dreamers

    Dare to dream. Dare to fly. Dare to change. Dare to be free. Dare to go home.

    Indigo Elements.

    Brewing the Light
    Look in every lie, there is a light of clarity. Don't abandon it, for it is still an altered existence, just that its meanings are conveyed in a different way.
    August 2008
    November 2008

    Designer: xFenris
    Basscodes: !hotstuff
    A wonderful thanks to all of you!

    " height="40" playcount="2"/>

    Indigo Elementors

